Products: Gliders

Get it for a special price of 2000 EUR inkl. tax!


In the tradition of the original Octane, which redefined handling in the paragliding world, The Octane 2 is dedicated to freestyle play and acro flying.


The legend is back!


The EMILIE SMILE includes all the positive characteristics that made the Emilie Peace so popular. This includes the same trim! There are, however a few slight differences:


Available in sizes 19 / 21 m2


Sophie High is AirG's freestyler wing that combines adrenaline and nice thermal characteristics.

Available in sizes 19m2, 21m2 and 23m2.


The BLACKOUT PLUS was able to achieve a clear improvement in terms of dynamics as well as the handling, without making the glider more aggressive.


The glider that allows you to share acro with your friends! Works nicely for all maneuvers!

One available color combination: blue/red/white

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